Health Walk - Thursday 14th May
Photos by Michael S - Please click on photos to see a larger one
Again no Health walks allowed today.
Started from the Berkeley Drive Car Park and walked down Berkeley Drive turning left into Shady Lane. Along Shady Lane and through the Kissing Gate into the Meadow.

Photo 1
Down the Meadow - who on earth would want to photograph that shed - well it was a phot in case I didn't take any more, it would do for the report.

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At the bottom of the Meadow, liked the green on the tree and I couldn't avoid capturing Jimmy.
Across the road and into the Whittle side taking the first left up across the Footbridge and up the Hill again turning left to come out on Back Lane.
Back into the Park, Sheep Hill Wood, down and up and along into Glenmore where we discovered

Photo 4
we'd been through Troll Country
Out on to Sheephill Lane and across into Cam Lane taking the first footpath on the left to go through the Upper Kissing Gate into the Cow Field
Shall we be adventurous?

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Keeping to the eastern fence as much as possible I walked left into the Cow Field. Jimmy wandered off to the right making for the Lower Kissing Gate on Cam Lane. He was surprised to find it was damp and boggy as he started to descend.

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I carried on along the fence and climbed up to the highest point where I was surprised to find
Photo 9
this litter, obviously someone had had a 'picnic' here. How did they get there?

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Looking left across the field

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The Hawthorn Blossom is now blooming
Into Green Wood again, across Cam Lane, the Cow Field and along the Cycle Path to the Covert Pond where we turned back
Photo 14
What are those non-native trees guarding?
I was surprised how long the walk seemed down to Cam Lane.
We met up at the Lower Kissing Gate, crossed the Stone Bridge and climbed up Snake Hill back to the car.

Today's walk
Compiled by Michael Swarbrick with grateful thanks to Jimmy for finding me and walking with me.
Cam Lane
Cam Lane Cottage
The Chorley Walks.
Cinder Path
Cock Cabin Wood
Cuerden Hall
Cuerden Valley's Health Walk
Lower Kem Mill
Hawksclough Farmhouse
Tree Sculpture
Visitors Centre