Health Walk - Thursday 8th February 2018
Photos by Amanda & Michael S - Please click on photos to see a larger one
Today we had twenty-one twalkers who were rewarded with a lovely dry walk although it was wet underfoot
Carmel led the main walk with James Mc back marking. Susan S led the Elite group with Colin C back marking.
The notes today are by Keith Billington (with Michael's additions in brackets):
I’ve never been so grateful for the vagaries of my mobile phone’s weather app, as the forecast of light but persistent rain throughout Thursday transpired to be perfectly fine, mild and with just a gentle breeze, at least for the precious couple of hours which mattered. Before the intimate but cheerful group set off, we were

Photo 1 - Michael
addressed by David (Beattie) who had some salutary news for everyone, with cautionary advice that I’m certain will be disseminated among the membership by word of mouth very quickly, and a request that I know will be heeded by everyone implicitly. It was Carmel in the driving seat today, ably back-marked by James, who wasted no time in leading us on an anti-clockwise version of her favoured route. After the very heavy rain all day on Wednesday – on top off the melted snow from Tuesday, some muddiness was inevitable, but Carmel thoughtfully kept that to an absolute minimum, with the only surprises being the residual ice on some bridges. However, with half the group being made up of experienced leaders every precaution was taken and everyone looked out for each other. There was a different kind of stillness in the park today, producing some lovely conditions for the walk, that was also clearly being appreciated by the above average number of users in the park, including another coach load of trainee health walkers (see Photo 1 above). So it was off down Cardiac Hill, turning right after crossing the river and as far as the first pathway leading to the left. That started a steady climb to the top of a meandering rollercoaster that eventually lead to Cam Lane, and

Photo 2 - Michael
another compelling stare at the most incongruous building in any parkland in the country. From there

Photo 3 - Michael
we immediately dropped down to the left in order to climb straight back up to do a little shopping at the top, then continued to bear left, and taking in another dip

Photo 4 Photo 5 Photo 6 Photo 7
before arriving at the old Hawksclough farm buildings. (Keith is in the red jacket)

Photo 8
After skirting past the lake on the top side – the lake was teeming with waterfowl today including a large flock of very noisy geese, we walked through the picnic area,

Photo 9
crossed the river again, up Snake Hill and back to The Barn for our well earned brews & biscuits. It was just over 2.5 miles of pure pleasure again today, with so many things to marvel at and the most delightful atmosphere among the group as always. The park has offered up so many of it’s treasures this week, and to share it in the delightful company of my fellow health walkers has been an absolute joy. Very many thanks to everyone.
(Meanwhile the Elite walkers set off on the road behind the main group but went down Snake Hill, up through Walkers Wood, Cock Cabin Wood, down Bikers Hill, across the Stone Bridge, along the river, across the Wooden Bridge and up Cardiac Hill back to the Barn)
Today's walks (Red Main Group, Green Short Walk Option Group).
Where there are green arrows on the red route it means the Elite walkers had followed the main >> or the main group had followed the Elite walkers >>.
Today's walkers
Main Walk - Amanda, Barry, Bill, Brian, Carmel, Edward, Eileen P, Frankie, Helen G, James Mc, Janet S, Keith B, Kerry, Linda E, Michael S, Moira & Yvonne
Short Walk Group - Ann S, Carole, Colin C, & Suzi
Compiled by Michael Swarbrick
Cinder Path Cuerden Hall Hawksclough Farmhouse Cam Lane Lower Kem Mill
Cuerden Valley's Health Walk
The Chorley Walks. |