Health Walk - Tuesday 20th February 2018
Photos by Michael S & Judy - Please click on photos to see a larger one

Photo 1 - Judy
Judy wrote on Facebook: "I arrived early for the walk yesterday to an empty car park, but the sun was shining to the promise of a beautiful walk. I was not disappointed, thankyou to everyone."
Today we had fifty-two walkers who were rewarded with a gloriously sunny morning
Lawrence led with Frankie back marking.
Pat led the Elite group with Suzi back marking
Keith wrote on Facebook:
"After a week of going stir crazy, it was an absolute joy to be back in the Cuerden Valley Park, and on a day when the conditions were so glorious for walking in. It was no surprise to see such a terrific turnout this morning, despite the absence of so many friends, with whom all previous attendance records may well have been shattered. Carmel kindly stepped in the breach to lead, with Frankie back-marking, until Lawrence could take over the reins after our descent down Cardiac Hill.

Photo 2
From there Lawrence lead everyone on an anti-clockwise circuit of Gravel Hole Wood, through Dog Kennel Wood to the lake,

Photos 3 & 4 (We spotted the Elite walkers here - Michael)
skirting past the lake on our left – with [South Fork] the Ponderosa on the brow of the hill to the right, wending our way to Cam Lane

Photo 5
After the customary head scratching and theorising at the aforementioned rest home for retired giant plastic flamingos, it was another anti-clockwise circuit of Green Wood this time, passing a certain supermarket to our right, and on to my lottery win project at Hawksclough Farm. It was then a back-tracked route past the lake, at which we dropped down into the picnic area, crossing ‘Otis’s swimming pool’ for the ascent up Snake Hill and back to The Barn. On the wildlife front today, it was our smaller feathered friends who stole the show, providing an exquisite soundtrack throughout the park with their gorgeous songs and eye catching flitting from branch to branch. Blue tits and robins abounded, especially robins around the car park, who were clearly sensing rich pickings from the ground raking activities of rangers. The lake also continues to be inhabited by lots of visiting Canadian (?) geese at the moment, who’s honking can be heard for miles, and along with the resident wildfowl are providing a compelling attraction for all. There was barely a blemish in the bluest of skies today, not even the odd vapour trail, and with the sun shining constantly conditions really were exhilarating. In the shade however, when the wind blew, it could feel bitingly cold, but the appreciable warmth that could be felt from the sun was an exciting indicator that spring isn’t too far away now, and was only matched by the warmth of the bonhomie amongst the group. The icing on the cake for any walk is the quality time spent together during refreshments afterwards, and today we quite literally got to enjoy the icing on top of the delicious carrot cake brought in by Janet (S), in celebration of a forthcoming birthday. The company today was truly delightful, as always, and I want to thank everyone for providing the perfect antidote to my recent stir craziness. Thursday morning can’t arrive quickly enough! "
Back to Michael:
The short option walkers, the Elite walkers' walked in to opposite direction going down Snake Hill, across the Stone Bridge, up to the Lake, through Dog Kennel Wood and Gravel Hole Wood, over the Wooden Bridge, up Cardiac Hill, and back to the Barn via the Viewing Area.
Today's walks (Red Main Group, Green Short Walk Option Group).
Where there are green arrows on the red route it means the Elite walkers had followed the main >> or the main group had followed the Elite walkers >>.
Today's walkers
Main Walk - Angela, Ann K, Anneka, Barbara, Bernadette, Brenda C, Carmel, Carol L, Cheryl, Christine D, Christine S, Clare, Colin D, David L, Dee, Edward, Elizabeth M, Frankie, Graham, James Mc, Janet S, Jennifer K, Joe H, John W, Judy, Keith, Kerry, Lawrence, Lynne, Maggie, Marilyn, Michael G, Michael S, Peter M, Roseanne, Sheila T, Susan G, Vic, Victoria & Vivien
Short Walk Group - Ann P, Ann S, Carol R, Carole, Colin C, Gwen, Janet W, Karin, Norman, Pat R, Peter W & Suzi
Compiled by Michael Swarbrick
Cinder Path Cuerden Hall Hawksclough Farmhouse Cam Lane Lower Kem Mill
Cuerden Valley's Health Walk Cock Cabin Wood
The Chorley Walks. |
