Health Walk - Thursday 1st March 2018
Photos by Michael S - Please click on photos to see a larger one
Today we only had eleven walkers and Paddy who were rewarded with a freezing cold biting wind but sunny walk. With the prevailing conditions of the roads and cold it is understandable why so few turned up.

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An empty car park? I was earlier than usual but it didn't fill up
David H led the main walk with Michael back marking. We didn't have a short option group, only Colin C turned up so he braved the main walk.
Over to Keith:
There were some pretty forlorn looking brass monkeys in Cuerden Valley this morning, as well as a handful of determined souls who simply couldn’t resist the siren call of the Park. Did they have antifreeze flowing through their veins?... it would’ve helped, did they have any loose screws that needed tightening up?... I certainly have plenty, what they did all had in common was the ability to get to the park in first place, after which it was all about their overwhelming love of walking with friends in a spectacular landscape, that never ceases to surprise and delight. Be in no doubt whatsoever, it was cold today, strike that, it was freeeeezing in the teeth of a relentless gale force wind that drove any snow, including whipping up that which was already lying on the ground, into our faces throughout the walk, and created a wind-chilled temperature that must have been well into double figures – in the negative. But undaunted, Dave and Michael shepherded eleven bundles of clothing to the dark side this morning, as odds were being laid on the first ‘woops-a-daisy’. Thankfully there were no payouts, for conditions like we experienced today demanded respect and, as always, everyone was looking out for each other at all times. So it was a classic route that went round the back of the Barn and Sue Ryder, along the road past Wilbraham’s Wood to the Cinder Path, where we enjoyed a brief respite from the wind before crossing the motorway bridge and maximum exposure.

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From there it was along the tarmac path passing the dragonfly breeding area to our left, across the car park, along Wigan Road, under the M65 and back into the park at the first entry point. Whilst completing an anti-clockwise circuit of the field containing the weird & wonderful trees, it seemed appropriate for the conditions to put on an equally extraordinary show, with the wind forming some incredible aerial patterns with the snow, as the bowl-like landscape held the wind to create a maelstrom of eddies, twisters and flurries dancing about all over the place. As with a murmuration of birds, I wonder if there’s a collective noun for snow patterns? From there we re-entered the comparative shelter of woodland to pass the first of two eerily still lakes today, due to the films of frozen snow on the surface and consequently devoid of wildfowl, past Dixon’s Farm, steadily climbing back to the track leading to Wigan Road. It was then a matter of

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backtracking until we left the dark side behind us, this time veering away from the Cinder Path to circle

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pond number two and

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enter Cock Cabin Wood, out at the base of the field looking up towards Sue Ryder to our right, then quickly turning off

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to the left through Walkers Wood,

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emerging for our climb
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up Snake Hill and back to the Barn to thaw out and take some very well earned refreshments. Having to take my jalopy for it’s MoT test at 1:00pm, I sadly had to miss that vital ingredient in the perfect Health Walk today, but I could imagine everyone sharing their thoughts and experiences as they nursed their brews, and that helped to warm the cockles. Today we experienced yet another aspect of the park, when it’s in the grip of some very raw weather indeed, but for those who can safely tolerate such conditions, there is a starkly beautiful majesty to behold, as the wonderful photos that have been posted demonstrate. Many thanks to those who dared to remove their gloves long enough to take them. I also loved the photos from the Yarrow Valley walk this morning, especially the one of my beloved robin, and it came as no surprise to see so many smiling faces. For those who don’t ‘feel it’, it’s impossible to convey what these walks mean to us. Given the unprecedented weather warnings this week, I guess we’ve experience the most challenging conditions possible on the walks and, if that’s so, from the pleasure I’ve had I’d better take a sedative before embarking on any walks in spring and summer this year! Very many thanks to all our leaders and back markers for their time, trouble and effort this week, and for everyone’s wonderful company that make these walks so very special. I’ll get the shorts and teeshirts out for next week!
Back to Michael:
Today's walk
Today's walkers
Main Walk - Barry, Colin C, David H, Geoff, James Mc, Janet S, John W, Keith, Michael S, Sheila & Paddy, Geoff's dog
Barn minding group - Carmel
Compiled by Michael Swarbrick
Cinder Path Cuerden Hall Hawksclough Farmhouse Cam Lane Lower Kem Mill
Cuerden Valley's Health Walk
The Chorley Walks. |
