Health Walk - Tuesday 6th March 2018
Photos by Michael S - Please click on photos to see a larger one
Today we had forty-two walkers and Sally, Peter's dog. those who managed to defeat the elements were rewarded with a gloriously sunny morning with lots of snow in the Park
Carmel led with Cheryl back marking.
Pat led the Elite group with Suzi back marking
Keith wrote on Facebook:
What a difference to be back in the park in such comparatively mild conditions today, after the extraordinary experiences of the previous week. The impact from the ‘Beast from the East’ and ‘Emma’ was evident throughout the park, not least by the obvious tidying-up that’s been taking place by the rangers, as well as a huge amount of tree surgery. But that brought peace of mind to the significant increase in numbers this morning, with many friendly faces finally able to exorcise their weather-enforced stir craziness. Carmel took the lead today, with Cheryl back marking, and with the effects of the big thaw in mind in terms of mud, devised a very clever and interesting route that kept everyone perfectly safe and as clean as humanly possible. Avoiding the further reaches of the park, where conditions could be predictably difficult in places, we set off for a descent down Cardiac Hill, (closely followed by the Elite walkers who followed us to the Lake - Michael) passing the walled garden and through the wooded outskirts of the park’s main buildings. At the bottom we turned right along the tarmac path as far as the climb into Gravel Hole Wood to our left, at the top of which we followed the undulating track, through to Dog Kennel Wood and down to the lake at the bottom. (Here the elite walkers went directly to the Lake, we were to follow them later across the Stone Bridge - Michael) From there we went through the gate and on to the path that traverses the hill leading to Cam Lane, only today Carmel deviated from that norm to drop back down to the lake at the first stepway to the left. Walking clockwise around

Photo 1
the lake was a delight today,

Photo 2 Photo 3
being a hive of wildfowl activity as the visiting geese were eventually joined by all the local residents for a leisurely glide across a frost free surface. Going as far as one can go, we then dropped down into the picnic area and, having crossed a very fast flowing river swollen by the recent thaw, (here the Elite walkers went straight up Snake Hill to walk round the 'sunny' side of Cuerden Hall back to the Barn - Michael) made our way into Walkers Wood to the right, out and back into Cock Cabin Wood, around the pond that contained a rather lonely looking solitary moorhen today, and emerging at the tarmac path leading down to the river again. The field to our right that looks up towards Sue Ryder was unrecognisable today, compared to how we last saw it, although the pond in the middle remained strangely uninhabited. At the river it was that familiar steady climb up Snake Hill - minus the force 10 gale that tried to blow everybody off their feet this time last week, past the new visitor centre – it’s almost there now, and back to the Barn where we merged with the returning Elite Walk group – very unusual. After being kept away from the park last week and having so much catching up to do, it was wonderful to hear the constant chatter within the group throughout the walk today, that seemed to blend beautifully with the soundtrack of birdsong. Today was literally a breath of fresh air for all feathered, furry, two and four legged creatures of nature, and unless this winter has got something even more remarkable than last week in store for us, dare we say, spring is now back in the air. The enthusiasm of everyone’s reunion did get the better of us during refreshments back at the Barn, and we had to rein ourselves in a little, but looking at the progress being made on the new visitor centre, it won’t be too long before we have a home of our own and can warble away to our hearts content with impunity. There was just a brief shower of drizzle today as we emerged from Walkers Wood, but otherwise it was a vast improvement on conditions last week and, if the BBC weather app on my mobile phone can be relied upon (?), the forecast for Thursday is looking ever better, with the possibility of an appearance from that big shiny thing in the sky. I for one cannot wait! Many thanks to Carmel and Cheryl for a fabulous walk today, and to everyone else for their precious company - not forgetting the park that never stops giving. I echo so loudly the findings from the Brigham Young study that Michael posted yesterday! (A study by Brigham Young University in the US found that having a good social network boosts your survival chances by 50 per cent, while having few friends affects you longevity as much as smoking 15 cigarettes a day.)
Today's walks (Red Main Group, Green Short Walk Option Group).
Where there are green arrows on the red route it means the Elite walkers had followed the main >> or the main group had followed the Elite walkers >>.
Today's walkers
Main Walk - Ann K, Barbara, Barry, Brian C, Carmel, Carol L, Cheryl, Christine S, Clare, Colin D, David L, Frankie, Irene S, James Mc, Janet S, John W, Judy, Keith, Lawrence, Linda E, Margaret W, Marilyn, Michael G, Michael S, Peter H and Sally, Roseanne, Rosemary, Sheila T, Susan G, Sylvia, Vivien & Yvonne
Short Walk Group - Ann S, Carol R, Carole, Colin C, Irene T, Jennifer J, Muriel, Norman, Pat & Suzi
Compiled by Michael Swarbrick
Occupied the Classroom) - Carmel, Suzi, Vic & Yvonne
Cinder Path Cuerden Hall Hawksclough Farmhouse Cam Lane Lower Kem Mill
Cuerden Valley's Health Walk Cock Cabin Wood
The Chorley Walks. |
