Photos by Michael - Please click on photos to see a larger one Walking down to the Cuerden View building from the Car Park
Today we had twenty-nine walkers. Michael led the main walk with Elizabeth back marking. Colin led the short option walk with Suzi back marking Keith wrote on Facebook: On the day of a walk, I’m always excited at the prospect of experiencing something wonderful, a personal first, to witness something special or out of the ordinary. And that doesn’t include looking forward to meeting up with so many friendly kindred spirits. However on certain days, whether that’s because of the conditions or my frame of mind on the day, the excitement is overridden by the greater pleasure of simply being there; as long as that’s in the delightful company of my fellow health walkers. This morning was one of those occasions, when simply spending some time in the beautiful environment of the park under a blue sky, from which the sun shone continuously and a gentle breeze kept the temperatures optimal for walking in, was positively uplifting. With Easter preparations underway, it was surprising to see so many walkers assemble in a bustling visitor centre, all looking forward to ticking their own personal boxes. Michael was leading today, and it must have been such a relief being able to imagine a route without having to build-in contingency plans for impassable areas. In fact the conditions underfoot throughout the park today were as firm as they’ve been since summer last year, and was even a remarkable improvement from just 48 hours earlier. My own Easter preparations have limited the amount of time I have to describe my pleasure today, so without further ado we set off for our descent into the park down Cardiac Hill. Having crossed the river over the bridge, we then turned right on the tarmac path and proceeded along until we reached the path off to the left, for a climb into Gravel Hole Wood. From there we followed the path that seamlessly leads into Dog Kennel Wood, at the end of which it’s a drop down towards the lake. Negotiating the kissing gate at the bottom, we then followed the path (Cam Lane) - Michael) that overlooked a very quiet looking lake to our left, past the Hawks Clough complex nestling in Walton Banks Wood, immediately after which we dropped down to our left to cross the stream. At this point one’s circus skills are usually put to the test by having to balance on the ‘wibbly-wobbly’ planks, but that wasn’t necessary today
Back to Michael The elite walkers set off in the opposite direction down Snake Hill. They went up Bikers Hill, clockwise round Cock Cabin Wood down through Walkers Wood, across the Stone Bridge, up the slope into Dog Kennel Wood, through Gravel Hole Wood, over the Wooden Bridge into the Pinetum and back to the Visitors Centre. Today's walkers Main Walk - Amanda, Barry, Bernadette, Bill, Colin D, Eileen, Elizabeth M, Graham, Ian, James, Joe H, John Mc, John W, Keith, Linda E, Linda P, Margaret, Michael S, Moira & Sheila T Barn minding group - Carol R, Carole, Colin C, Jennifer J, Mary P, Muriel, Norman, Suzi & Zandra Compiled by Michael Swarbrick Cinder Path Cuerden Hall Hawksclough Farmhouse Cam Lane Lower Kem Mill Cuerden Valley's Health Walk Cock Cabin Wood The Chorley Walks. |