Photos by Michael S & Jen - Please click on photos to see a larger one Today we had forty-five walkers and Paddy, Geoff's little dog. It was a lovely morning, overcast at first but soon glorious spring sunshine Frankie led the main walk, shadowed by Lawrence with Irene back marking shadowed by Michael S. It was the first time that Frankie had led and Irene back marked. Jen led the short option walk, shadowed by Susan S with Colin C back marking After her first ever introduction talk Frankie set off down Snake Hill but the Elite walkers went the opposite way into the Pinetum and down Cardiac Hill Frankie soon left Snake Hill to go round Cuerden Hall and along James' Walk to see the Bluebells. We scrambled down to the Cinder Path. Leaving the Cinder Path we walked along the Cycle Track to Cock Cabin Wood, walked round the Pond, leaving the wood we entered Walkers Wood emerging on Bikers Hill to cross over the Stone Bridge and walked
We carried on round the Lake seeing We climbed up into the Field and walked down the Field to the Kissing Gate and up into Dog Kennel Wood. Passing through Dog Kennel Wood over the Clayton-Le-Woods Women's Institute Bridge into Gravel Hole Wood
The Elite walkers descended Cardiac Hill, crossed the Wooden Bridge and climbed up into Gravel Hole Wood going through the woods in the opposite direction to the main group who were to come this way later. Leaving Dog Kennel Wood they walked along the Lake side to see the Heron's nest
Across the Picnic Area, across the Stone Bridge and up Bikers Hill into Walkers Wood.
carrying on back to the Visitors Centre.
Today's walkers Main Walk - Ann F, Ann K, Brian C, Christine S, Clare, Eric, Frankie, Geoff A, Geoff G & Paddy, Irene S, James Mc, Jim, Joe Mc, John McN, John W, Joyce, Judy, Lawrence, Linda E, Maggie, Malcolm, Margaret W, Marilyn, Michael G, Michael S, Sheila T, Susan G, Sylvia, Tony, Vic, & Yvonne C Elite group - Ann S, Beth, Carmel, Carol W, Carole B, Colin C, Dianne, Jen, Joan, John B, Julie, Roseanne, Suzi & Zandra Compiled by Michael Swarbrick Cinder Path Cuerden Hall Hawksclough Farmhouse Cam Lane Lower Kem Mill Cuerden Valley's Health Walk Cock Cabin Wood Cam Lane Cottage Ponderosa The Chorley Walks. |