Photos by Michael S & Eileen - Please click on photos to see a larger one Today we had thirty-three walkers and Bella. It was a lovely sunny morning, rather hot. Sheila T led the main walk with John W back marking. Colin C led the Elite walk with Margaret W back marking. When one of their group had a fall, after First Aid being administered by Margaret, Colin escorted her back to her car. Margaret took over the lead and Suzi took over as back marker. Sheila led us straight into the Pinetum, down Cardiac Hill, across the Wooden Bridge and up into Gravel Hole Wood, some of us already flagging at this stage We left Dog Kennel Wood to walk along the eastern shore of the Lake, through the Kissing Gate and up the steps into the Field, along Cam Lane and round the back of ASDA. We climbed up to
Here Linda spotted a Kingfisher flying ahead of us over the Dam towards the river. We carried on down the Long Steps, along the bottom of the Dam, over the Stone Bridge, skirting the Picnic Area to Climb up Snake Hill back to the Visitors Centre
Colin took the elite group round the sunny side of Cuerden Hall, down the Hall Drive, along the Cinder Path into Cock Cabin Wood
Margaret took over and they walked through the wood, Walkers Wood, Bikers Hill and back up Snake Hill, just ahead of the main group, to the Visitors Centre
Today's walkers Main Walk - Angela & Bella, Bernadette, Carmel, Carol W, Colin D, David H, Edward, Eileen, Elizabeth M, Eric, Fiona, Frankie, Graham, Irene S, James, Jim, John W, Julie, Lawrence, Linda P, Moira, Michael S, Roberta & Sheila T Elite group - Ann S, Colin C, Eileen, Gwen, Jennifer, Margaret W, Pat, Suzi & Zandra Compiled by Michael Swarbrick Cinder Path Cuerden Hall Hawksclough Farmhouse Cam Lane Cuerden Valley's Health Walk Cock Cabin Wood Cam Lane Cottage Ponderosa Pinetum Visitors Centre The Chorley Walks.