Photos by Michael S & Sheila T - Please click on photos to see a larger one Apologies to Sheila because I've cropped her photos from vertical format to horizontal. Today we only had eighteen walkers. It was rather damp with occasional spells of drizzle which is obvious from Sheila's photos. John W led the main walk with Sheila T back marking - finding a new combination. Rabia led the Elite walk with Margaret W back marking. John led off down Snake Hill,
Walking around the Picnic Area, up the Long Steps, round the Reservoir, through the Kissing Gate, along Cam Lane to Hawks Clough, up passed the Ponderosa, Down Sheep Hill up the steps into Sheep Hill Wood,
They walked down Back Lane, crossed Sheep Hill Lane back into the Park, walked along the Avenue of Oaks passed the Covert Pond
The Elite walkers entered the Pinetum and walked down Cardiac Hill, over the Wooden Bridge, turning right along the river heading towards
Leaving Walkers Wood Rabia took us into Cock Cabin Wood coming back out on to the Cycle Track making for the Cinder Path We came out of the Cinder Path on to the Drive and walked round Cuerden Hall back to the Visitors Centre. It was Rabia's first attempt at leading a walk but it wasn't really a representative walk even though Michael was pretending to be partially sighted and short of breath and at times we walked all abreast but it was often hilarious with Rabia teasing Michael and Michael being critical of Rabia. Rabia will eventually be an excellent leader
Today's walkers Main Walk - Barbara F, Barry, Bill, David H, Edward, Frankie, Helen G, Irene S, Janet, Jim, John W, Julie S, Moira & Sheila T Elite group - Eileen, Margaret, Michael S & Rabia Compiled by Michael Swarbrick Cinder Path Cuerden Hall Hawksclough Farmhouse Cam Lane Park Cuerden Valley's Health Walk Cock Cabin Wood Cam Lane Cottage Ponderosa Pinetum Visitors Centre