Health Walk - Tuesday 13th November 2018
Photos by Michael S - Please click on photos to see a larger one
Today we had thirty-three walkers
Rather dull for our walk but dry.
John W led the main group with James back marker.
Sue led the Elite group with Margaret W back marker.
John led the main group down Snake Hill with the Elite group following. Over the wooden Bridge, round the Picnic area up the Long Steps to the Lake. Round the Lake but at the south east corner the Elite walkers went up into Dog Kennel Wood.
John continued round the Lake, through the Kissing gate, up the Steps into the Field
Photo 1
and along Cam Lane to Hawks Clough

Photo 2
A black and White version of Photo 1 which I use to give the impression that we oldies are feeling winter coming on
John took us down into Green Wood, clockwise round the path up the long steps on to Cam Lane, passed the Ponderosa, back down to Hawks Clough

Photo 3 Photo 4
along Cam Lane down through the Kissing Gate and followed the Elite group up into Dog Kennel Wood,

Photo 5
over the Women's Institute Bridge into Gravel Hole Wood

Photo 6
You can just make out the Ponderosa which will gradually come into view when all the leaves have gone.

Photo 7 Photo 8
Resting before our descent to the Cycle Path and over the Wooden Bridge, up Cardiac Hill into the Pinetum.
Here the Elite walkers had carried up Cardiac Hill passed the Walled Orchard into the Car park and back to the Visitors Centre
but the main groups went straight up the side back to the Visitors Centre
Today's walks (Red Main Group, Green Short Walk Option Group).
Where there are green arrows on the red route it means the Elite walkers had followed the main >> or the main group had followed the Elite walkers >>.
Compiled by Michael Swarbrick
Cam Lane
Cam Lane Cottage
The Chorley Walks.
Cinder Path
Cock Cabin Wood
Cuerden Hall
Cuerden Valley's Health Walk
Lower Kem Mill
Hawksclough Farmhouse
Visitors Centre