2020 The story of our garden this year.
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Other years : 1970 onwards 2000 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
January February March April May June July August September October November December
From here the notes are in chronological order
Thursday 2nd January

We didn't really know but this was the Susie's last Christmas

Monday 20th January
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This may be the last time I'll see blossom on the magnolia stellata
Saturday 25th April

We now get buzzards flying over our house, this one's being chased by a raven. It's a long time since I watched swifts fying overhead and years since House Martins nested across the roud..
Sunday 26th April

I can't find any evidence of when I started to prune, ha ha, cut down the camellias. Here you can see that I've severely pruned three.
Note the variegated rhododendron, the flowers are over the lawn but the base of the bush is almost two metres behind almost on the fence
Later I cut the red rhododendron on the left back to the ground. I love the variegated rhododendron but eventually I cut it right back to the ground. See later photos of the magnolia stellata, middle tree with white blossom. I've cut a lot of the lower branches of the magnolia away to reveal the hidden patio. I don't think it will stand severe pruning so I've left well alone for this year
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Friday 22nd May

I cleared the weeds from the square so that I had somewhere to work then cleaned up the stands and treated them to two coats of preservative. I decided that the stands would be better in the square than under the bedroom windows
Saturday 23rd May

I carried on clearing the paths by scarping out the weeds from between the paving stones, as I did the square. This is a days work
Sunday 24th May

Second day, triumph of mind over matter

This is what I had still to do

'The Clearing' Trying to decide where to put Susie's rose, other pots and Steven's hebes, my birthday present
Monday 25th May

I suspect the first photo is my efforts from yesterday but I also made progress up towards the magnolia
Friday 29th May

More progress, I'm getting really worn out by now
Saturday 30th May

At last got the back garden paths clear

I decided that I'd straighten the lawn out, winning back the space the rhododendrons and camellias had taken over the years. I also decided to use the paving stones that Steven had given me, surplus from when he had their drive done. Whenever Steven has 'useful' stuff to take to the tip he always asks me first if I want it
Sunday 31st May

I picked up my first batch of plants from the nursery. I could remember some of the plants Susie used to get but I watch the nursery's video on how to create hanging baskets so there are some new ones to us.
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Monday 1st June

Big decision - chopped down most of the magnolia stellata, there is strong growth from the main trunk, fingers crossed
Wednesday 3rd June

I filled the stands and two hanging baskets

This is the third basket, don't seem to have photographed the second one, on the front, at this stage.
Cutting back the lower branches of the magnolia revealed the compost bin so I thought it was a good idea to hang a basket from the tree!
Sunday 7th June

With my left over plants I filled the two urns in the front

finally planted Susie's named rose
Sunday 14th June
Got the paving stones all in position

Planed the cosmos and surplus begonias
Tuesday 30th June

At last the second hanging basket over the front door
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Saturday 11th July

Cosmos, seven to nine. Ten to twelve in near the ice plant and rockery

Cutting back the lower branches of the magnolia revealed the compost bin so I thought it was a good idea to hang a basket from the tree!

Special basket on top of the water butt

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