2012 The story of our garden this year. January February March April May June July August September October November December Sunday January 1st - Happy New Year everyone. - Heath Walkers' New Year Party Monday January 2nd - Damian was with us so we went to Cleveleys for lunch and a walk along the shore Sunday January 8th - Michael turned up a the sailing club to officiate and there we're not many racers so he got the opportunity to race as they agreed to timed themselves. Tuesday 10th January - We took poart in today's Health Walk from Clayton Green Sports Centre Saturday 14th January - Michael sailed the Topper - twice this year already Sunday 15th January - We were on Tea Shop duty today, we had a good day. Tuesday 17th January - We took part in today's Health Walk from Clayton Green Sports Centre Wednesday 18th January - In the high winds a couple of weeks ago we lost two fence panels from the north fence, the first time we've lost any panels on this side. Using bill's trailer today, we took the broken panels to the tip and bought two new ones - just need to get them in place now. In days gone by I could have done this myself but time has taken its toll on me - besides they are next to Bill greenhouse and I wouldn't want to slip and break some glass. Thursday 19th January - Worked out how Suzie and I could get the fence panels in place and managed to do it - not bad for septuagenarians. Tuesday 24th January - We went on another Health Walk this morning, sadly Sue gave up halfwway and spent the rest of the morning in Sue Ryder's Cafe waithing for Michael to bring the car round.
Thursday 26th January - Michael went on the Health Walk from the Barn. In the afternoon we went to the Breathe Easy AGM. Sunday 29th January - Michael went up to the sailing club to officiate for the racing but Ivan didn't want to sail so Michael got a sail! Tuesday 31st January - Michael went on the Health Walk from the Sports Centre Friday 3rd February - We went on a quick shopping trip to Preston on the bus
Sunday 5th February - We had lunch in the Tea Shop in Cuerden Valley Park Tuesday 7th February - Sue decided not to go on the Health Walk, waiting to have a corn removed. Michael went . . . . Wednesday 8th February - We traveled down to Bedford to stay at the Bedford (Priory Marina) Premier Inn. We left Leyland around 1400 hours and had an unbelievable run down. Once we got on the motorway we didn't need to change gear or stop at all. I think that merits the status of our best ever run south on the M6 and M1. We arrived a little after 1700 hours 180 odd miles later. Thursday 9th February - We attended John Holman's funeral in the crematorium, reason for our visit to Bedford. (This is our third funeral in twentyeight days) John was Pam's husband, Pam is an old work colleague of Sue's. Sue was Pam's Bridesmaid and Pam was Sue's matron of honour. The crematorium is a huge place, as big as and bigger than some churches. It was packed with people around the sides and many standing at the back. John was a very poular and well loved figure.
Saturday 11th February - Talk at the sailing club about Sunderland Point with photographs from the early 1900s. Sunday 12th February - no wind so sadly no sailing. Tuesday 14th February - Valentine's day but didn't feel romantic - another Health Walk Thursday 16th February - Today we cut the grass for the first time. The grassed areas, I hesitate to call them lawns, seem to have survied the winter so far but there are patcheds of moss in both of them. Sunday 19th February - Tea Shop duty - Michael cycled to the Barn and back! Tuesday 21st February - Health Walk in the morning. Thursday 23rd February - Health Walk Friday 24th February - Day 1 of Michael's Action Plan - to make the Computer Room look tidy.
Worked on this all morning and a little after dinner.
Saturday 25th February - Worked in the garden all day - clearing the edges of the drive and what I could reach from the drive. In the afternoon we started the Self-Management Course at St. Ambrose's Church, run by the Central Lancashire PCT. We had to make an action plan for the week ahead. Mine is to make the Computer Room look tidy and Sue's is to do three forty minute walks. Sunday 26th February - Michael went sailing and Sue went to help in the Farmers' Market Tea Shop Monday 27th February - Day 2 of action plans. Michael achieved his targe and Sue got another walk in. Tuesday 28th February - Jaja's 13th birthday - he's a teenager now. We both went on the Health Walk - Sue completing her action plan. Tuesday 28th February - Afternoon - we attended our second Self-Management course. Action plans this week: Michael to clear and arrange six filing cabinet drawers - four mornings; Sue to weed the rose garden - three one hour sessions.
Thursday 1st March - March already ! Went for bike ride in the Park - Cuerden Valley Park. I'm not keen on cycling but it's supposed to be good for my knee. Monday 5th March - Damian up from London again. Suzie went off to Radio Blackburn with Trudie and Lloyd while Damian and I went to Rivington - it was a lovely sunny day, cold wind but otherwise great.
Tuesday 6th March - Health Walk Thursday 8th March - Health Walk Sunday 11th March - Mothers Day. Michael did the Tea Shop Duty and Sue went to Jenny's with Trudie, Lloyd and Jaja. Jaja's cousin Akil was there and played them some of his music Tuesday 13th March - Health Walk Sunday 18th March - Michael officiated at the Glasson Sailing Club Racing Tuesday 20th March - Health Walk - Thursday 22nd March - Health Walk - Saturday 24th March - Michael helped to put the Marquees and Gazebos up for the Farmers Market. Sunday 25th March - Michael sailed in the last race of the Glasson Sailing Club's Icicle Series - turning out to be the overall winner! Sue helped at the Cuerden Valley Park Farmers' Market. Tuesday 27th March - Health Walk - This was also our last day of the Expert Patients Course that we had been attending over the last six Tuesdays. Saturday 31st March - Michael did another cycle ride, similar route to 1st March. this time he managed with only two rests of 10 minutes - cycling 35 minutes - 15 minutes - 30 minutes Monday 2nd April - We went for a walk along the north bank of the River Ribble from the Docks
Thursday 5th April - Health Walk Tuesday 17th April - Health Walk Saturday 21st April - Preston Mela Thursday 24th April - Health Walk Tuesday May 1st - no Health Walk today, Michael's antibiotics not taken over yet. Surprise Visit from Alex! Tuesday 8th May - The Health Walk from the Sports Centre. Nine of us today including Gareth our leader. Monday May 14th - Damian up from London again. Suzie came with us this time. We picked Damian up from his Mum's in Wigan and drove to the Viewpoint overlooking the Anglezarke Reservoir to the start of our walk. . . . . . Tuesday May 15th - Health W alk from the Sports Centre. Again there were nine of us today including Gareth our leader. . . . . Sunday May 20th - Michael went sailing! It was a pleasant day but sadly there was hardly any wind. North easterlies were forecast but we had mostly west. Six boats turned up and took to the water. . . . . Tuesday May 22nd - Health Walk - we both walked today Thursday May 24th - Health Walk - very enjoyable Saturday May 26th - Chorley East Neighbourhood Mini Health Mela - we support our Breathe Easy Group today Tuesday May 29th - Health Walk - we both walked today from the Sport Centre - we had four new walkers! Monday 4th June - Had my first solo sail in our GP14.
Tuesday June 5th
Wednesday 6th June - helped Owen to tow his Laser Radial from Lancaster to the Club - our GP14 was bought from Owen Thursday June 7th
Friday June 8th
Tuesday June 12th
Saturday 16th June Tuesday 19th June
Thursday 21st June
Tuesday 10th July - Another Health Walk Thursday Morning 12th July
Thursday Afternoon 12th July - The Breathe Easy Exercise Meeting with a Committee Meeting for all afterwards Tuesday 17th July
Saturday 21st July - Michael went sailing, first time round the lighthouse this year sailing alone in the GP14. Tuesday 24th July
Thursday 26th July
Sunday 29th July Tuesday 31st July
Friday 3rd August - Pat Edmeads' Funeral Saturday 4th August - Michael went sailing again Tuesday 7th August - Health Walk from the Sports Centre. It was raining again and Sue decided not to come. Wednesday 8th August
Thursday Morning 9th August - Another Health Walk, this time from the Barn. Again Sue didn't come because in the afternoon we went for the Breath Easy Group summer luncheon to Brockholes Thursday Afternoon 9th August - our Breathe Easy Group lunch outing to Brockholes - possible a report later. Just for laughs - Shirley and I, as members of the Wildlife Trust were entitled to free parking!
Thursday Late Afternoon 9th August Saturday 11th August - Kathryn's unusal wedding in Leeds Monday 13th August
Tuesday 14th August - Health Walk from the Sports Centre. It was a lovely morning and Sue decided to come. She thoroughly enjoyed the walk and company. Friday 17th August - Steven's Birthday. Damian came for the day but it rained so we only had a walk round Cuerden Valley Park Sunday 19th August - Second day of the Glasson Sailing Club Regatta - Michael managed a sai lbut there was no wind so racing abandoned. Monday 20th August - Damian came to see us today and we all went to St. Anne's and walked along the beech, Michael even paddled, the water was lovely and clear Tuesday 21st August - Health Walk - both of us today Thursday 23rd August - Health Walk - both of us again today Sunday 26th August - Farmers Market and Tea Shop - we both were on Tea Shop duty today Friday 31st August - We picked our new car up Sunday 2nd September - Officer of the Day again Tuesday 4th September - No rain again! Our first Health Walk in September - doesn't time fly, where's the summer gone? . . . Thursday 6th September
Saturday 8th September - Michael sailing today Tuesday 11th September
Thursday 13th September - Breathe Easy Exercise Class
Saturday 15th September - should have been sailing but knee not up to it. Saw doctor yesterday, a locum, no faith in her. Got an X-ray booked or 3rd October - so far away!
Tuesday 18th September - Plenty of sunshine but also plenty of dark clouds. There was no walk from the Sports Centre today, Gareth is away at a presentation in Birmingham. Saturday 22nd September - We went to a lecture at the sailing club by Dr Martin Birch. A recent broadcast It was about the history and restoration of his boat Espanola Tuesday 25th September - another Health Walk Thursday 27th September 2012 - Only seven of us today at the Barn - the others are on holiday. Sorry no photos today. The river is going down and we had a dry walk . . . . Tuesday 2nd October 2002 - Sunshine again.! No rain! Still not a balmy autumn day though. Nine plus Gareth today who led us off into the Park and across Cam Lane into the cattle, bulls, bullocks, cows, calves and sheep field - not what he expected to find! . . . . . Friday 5th October - Finished fitting a new gate to Trudie's back garden Saturday 6th - dingy racing OOD
Sunday 7th - dinghy racing OOD again Monday 8th October - Damian was visiting again so we had a ride up to Arnside for a walk round about.
Tuesday 9th October - Sunshine, a bit nippy but just right for walking. Fourteen! plus Gareth today who led us off into the Park . . . . Thursday 11th October - Rain again.! Fortunately not too heavy. Ten of us turned out from the Barn despite the inclement conditions. Friday 12th October - more good deeds, fitted a new toilet seat for Trudie Saturday 13th October - cycled down to the marina at Preston and back, about 13 miles Sunday 14th October - Michael on duty again at the sailing club Tuesday 16th October - we attended a British Lung Foundation conference at Manchester City's stadium Saturday 20th October - actually had a sail today in the GP14 Sunday 21st October - Tea Shop duty again, fortunately Jean and John stayed to help us. It was the Park's open orchard day. We had many visitors and doubled the ususal takings. Tuesday 23rd October - an unusual Health Walk, Michael leading Sue catering Thursday 25th October - Health Walk - no Sue this time, suffering from Bronchitis! Wednesday 26th October - For some days now I've been trying to empty the garage to get our new car into it for the winter. I've given away my welders, circular saw and pigeon hole cabinets to friends at the sailing club. I've constructed a 'bridge' at the eastern end to carry lots of boxes with 'stuff' and tools in and today we got to try if it will actually fit in when I've finished. It did! Saturday 27th October - Went up to the sailing club to sail but ther was no Wind! Hepedslipers to get Jetwind out. Tuesday 30th October - Another Health Walk, Sue nearly better but decided not to come. Wednesday 31st October
Sunday 4th November - Michael went sailing again, Frostbite 8 - Four boats today. A lovely sunny day with a moderate south easterly breeze. Four boats turned out. Samantha Topping, crewing for Dad timed both races, Martin selected the course. The course for both races was. . . . . Tuesday 6th November - Health Walk from the Sports Centre:
Thursday 8th November - Starting from the Barn we were lucky thirteen. It was dry and there was a chance of sunshine today? Jacquie and Carole led off purposely, under Brian's direction, into . . . . . Saturday 10th November -It was a lovely day! Decide to ride down to the Marina to get some sailing boots for Jaja, which I managed to get and then explored a little bit of the Preston Guild Wheel, a cicular 21 mile cycle route/track round Preston.
Tuesday 13th November - Health Walk with a difference. Today we started out to walk from the Town Brow car park with Michael as leader Saturday 17th November
Tuesday 20th November -
Thursday 22nd November -
Friday 23rd November - forty minute bike ride, Steven's, Moss, Midge Hall Tuesday 27th November -
Wednesday 28th November - We decided to go to to St. Anne's on Sea for lunch at the Beach Terrace Cafe. After lunch we drove to Blackpool, along the prom and parked at Bispham.
Thursday 29th November - Health Walk from the Barn still no Suzie. Saturday 1st December - Sue helped Trudie while Michael went up to the Sailing Club but did some jobs instead of sailing
Sunday 2nd December - Childrens' Fair at the Park, we worked on the refreshments. Tuesday 4th December - Health Walk starting from the Sports Centre, Sue was at the dentists so missed the inclement weather Thursday 6th December - off on another walk - Sue nearly came this time! Thursday 13th December - We had lunch with the Breathe Easy Group at the Plough, Runshaw Saturday 15th December - Michael up at the sailing club again Sunday 16th December - Another day at the sailing club - Sue was on Tea Shop Duty at the Park Farmers' Market Thursday 20th December - First walk since the 6th December - some sort of infection, Michael on antibiotics. We'd missed some glorious walks in the frost covered park! Sunday 23rd December - Walked across the moss for 40 minutes Monday 24th December - Picked Damian up from Wigan and walked for 100 minutes from Town Brow car park. Tuesday 25th December - We had Christmas Lunch at Trudie's - Michael walked to Trudie's Wednesday 26th December - Spent the day with Alison & Paul at Briercliffe. Dorothy & Robin were staying with them. Thursday 27th December - Went to Gregory & Rachel's with Damian for the Swarbrick get-together in the afternoon but in the morning
Friday, Saturday & Sunday 28th, 29th & 30th December - miserable wet and windy weather - didn't leave the house.